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Does including image or video impact negatively cold email deliverability?

Does including image or video impact negatively cold email deliverability



Ah, the eternal dilemma of cold emailing! It’s like navigating a minefield where one wrong step could see your email relegated to the dreaded spam folder. There’s a common debate among sales pros about whether including images or videos in cold emails impacts deliverability negatively. Today, we’re going to dive deep into this topic, debunk myths, present cold hard facts, and ensure your outreach remains top-notch. And of course, we’ll showcase how Mailtoon.io can help you strike the perfect balance.

The Anatomy of Email Deliverability 📧

Before diving into specifics, let’s break down what influences email deliverability:

  1. Sender Reputation: This is determined by your email sending behavior and interactions. If emails from your domain often get marked as spam, your reputation suffers.
  2. Email Content: Spam filters scan for certain words, phrases, and even formatting. The inclusion of images and videos can sometimes raise flags.
  3. Recipient Engagement: High open rates, replies, and clicks are positive signals that your emails are wanted and trustworthy.
  4. Authentication: Properly setting up DKIM, SPF, and DMARC records bolsters your sender reputation and ensures better deliverability.

Now, let’s narrow it down to the crux of our discussion—images and videos. Do they really muck things up?

The Pros and Cons of Including Images in Cold Emails 🖼️


  1. Visual Appeal: Images can break the monotony of text and make your email visually appealing.
  2. Better Explanation: A picture is worth a thousand words. Graphics can often convey complex information more efficiently.
  3. Branding: Including your logo enhances brand recognition and professionalism.


  1. Spam Filters: Heavy images can trigger spam filters, especially if they’re not optimized.
  2. Load Times: Slow-loading images can frustrate recipients and negatively impact their experience.
  3. Blocked Images: Some email clients block images by default, rendering your visuals useless unless the recipient opts to download them.

Balancing Act:

To maintain a delicate balance, ensure your images are light, relevant, and not the sole focal point of your email. Alt texts should be used to describe images in case they don’t load.

The Pros and Cons of Including Videos in Cold Emails 🎥


  1. Higher Engagement: Videos capture attention and can increase click-through rates by up to 65%.
  2. Personal Connection: A personalized video can build trust and rapport more quickly than text.
  3. Efficient Communication: Demonstrations, greetings, and pitches are often more compelling on video.


  1. File Size: Embedding large video files can bloat your emails and trigger spam filters.
  2. Compatibility: Not all email clients handle videos well, leading to playback issues.
  3. Spam Risk: Just like with images, too many multimedia elements can send your email to the spam folder.

Striking the Right Chord with Mailtoon.io:

This is where the magic of Mailtoon.io comes into play. Instead of embedding heavy video files, Mailtoon.io allows you to link to videos hosted on a reliable server. This approach retains the benefits of video without compromising deliverability.

Myth-Busting: Videos and Deliverability 🚀

The Common Misconception:

“Videos in cold emails? Spam folder doom!” Nope, not necessarily.

The Reality:

Your deliverability hinges more on overall email practices rather than just the inclusion of a video. When used correctly, videos can enhance your email without harming deliverability.

  • Don’t Embed Directly: Embedding heavy video files is a faux pas. Use tools like Mailtoon.io to generate a thumbnail or GIF that links to your video hosted on their platform. This significantly reduces the risk of being flagged as spam.
  • Ensure Relevance: Your video content should be highly relevant to your recipient. A well-crafted video related to the recipient’s interests or needs will encourage engagement and clicks, which positively affect deliverability.
  • Engage Consistently: Regular engagement and positive interactions with your email list improve your sender reputation, making it more likely that videos and images will be well-received and not filtered out.

Practical Mailtoon.io Tips:

  • Personalized Thumbnails: Mailtoon.io allows you to include personalized video thumbnails to make your emails feel more customized.
  • Tracking and Analytics: With Mailtoon.io, detailed tracking ensures you know who viewed your video, helping you tailor follow-ups and improve engagement.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate with your CRM to maintain efficient workflows and ensure your videos reach the right audience.

Reinforcing Best Practices for Including Multimedia in Emails 📧🎥🖼️

1. Optimize Everything:

  • Ensure images are compressed without losing much quality.
  • Use Mailtoon.io to link rather than embed videos directly.

2. Use Alt Text:

  • Always include descriptive alt texts for images to cater to email clients that block images.

3. Authenticate Your Emails:

  • Properly configure DKIM, SPF, and DMARC records to boost your sender reputation and authenticate your emails.

4. Stay Relevant:

  • Your multimedia content should always be relevant and add value to the recipient. Needless decoration can do more harm than good.

5. Monitor and Adapt:

  • Use analytics to track the performance of your emails and adjust your strategy accordingly. Mailtoon.io provides detailed insights to help refine your approach.

The Verdict: Do Images and Videos Impact Cold Email Deliverability?

Including images and videos doesn’t inherently doom your emails to the spam folder. It’s all about execution:

  • Use lightweight, optimized images.
  • Link to videos using tools like Mailtoon.io to avoid large file sizes.
  • Maintain good email hygiene and engagement practices.
  • Ensure relevance and value in every multimedia element.

With these strategies in place, you can enjoy the benefits of multimedia in your cold emails without compromising deliverability. Mailtoon.io is your trusty sidekick in this journey, offering the tools and insights needed to make your emails more engaging while keeping them out of the spam folder.

Ready to Revamp Your Cold Email Strategy?

Lights, camera, action! Step up your email game with Mailtoon.io and witness the impact of perfectly balanced multimedia in your outreach. 🌟