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How to boost your Instantly campaigns with video prospecting at scale

How to boost your Instantly campaigns with video prospecting at scale


Hello, fellow marketing maestros and sales savants! Are your Instantly campaigns feeling a bit… well, stale? Like you’re fishing in a sea of inboxes with the same old bait? It’s time to throw out the cookie-cutter approach and reel in your audience with something truly compelling. Enter video prospecting—your secret weapon to delivering personalized, scalable, and highly engaging outreach. 🎣✨

And guess who’s here to help you master this game? Mailtoon.io, your ultimate video prospecting sidekick. Let’s dive into how you can turbocharge your Instantly campaigns by integrating video prospecting at scale.

Why Video Prospecting is the Future of Outreach 🎬

1. Human Connection

Video prospecting allows you to build instant rapport. In a world where faceless emails flood inboxes, a personalized video stands out. It shows you’re not just another automated email sender—you’re a person looking to connect.

2. Higher Engagement Rates

According to HubSpot, including video in emails can increase open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65%. Videos captivate attention, making your message hard to ignore.

3. Scalability with Personal Touch

Thanks to tools like Mailtoon.io, you can send personalized videos at scale without compromising on quality. More on that later!

The Power Combo: Instantly + Mailtoon.io ⚡

What is Instantly?

Instantly is a powerful platform that allows you to capture leads, build automated workflows, and manage your outreach campaigns efficiently. But when you pair it with Mailtoon.io’s video capabilities, magic happens.

Integrating Mailtoon.io with Instantly

Imagine this: You’ve got a robust lead capture process and automated email sequences, but how do you take it to the next level? By embedding personalized video messages from Mailtoon.io into your Instantly campaigns, you can boost engagement and conversion rates.

Creating a Winning Video Prospecting Strategy 🎥✨

1. Segment Your Audience

Start by segmenting your Instantly audience based on factors like industry, company size, or past interactions. This will help you tailor your video messages.

2. Personalize Your Videos

Mailtoon.io makes it easy to create personalized videos. Address each recipient by name, mention their company, and reference specific pain points or goals.

Example Script:

“Hi [Recipient Name], I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I noticed that [specific detail about their company]. We’ve helped businesses like yours to [specific solution], and I’d love to discuss how we can do the same for you. Click the link below to schedule a quick chat!”

3. Optimize Video Thumbnails

Instead of embedding heavy video files, Mailtoon.io allows you to create clickable video thumbnails or GIFs. These load quickly and entice recipients to click.

4. Clear Call-To-Action

End your video with a strong call-to-action. Whether it’s scheduling a demo, replying to your email, or downloading a resource, make it easy and compelling.

Rolling Out Your Video Prospecting Campaign with Instantly 📧🎥

Step 1: Craft Your Campaign Strategy

Outline your goals, target audience, and key messages for your Instantly campaign. Determine at which points in your outreach sequence you’ll include video messages.

Step 2: Create Your Videos with Mailtoon.io

Record your personalized video messages. Use Mailtoon.io to add your branding and create eye-catching thumbnails.

Step 3: Embed Videos into Your Instantly Emails

Instantly allows you to personalize your email templates. Embed your Mailtoon.io video thumbnails into these templates. Ensure each segment gets the most relevant message.

Step 4: Automate and Launch

Set up automation in Instantly to send out your emails at optimal times. Ensure your workflow includes follow-up emails for those who engage with your videos.

Step 5: Analyze and Adjust

Utilize Mailtoon.io’s analytics to track video engagement. Instantly’s metrics will show you open rates, click-through rates, and responses. Use this data to tweak your messaging and strategy for better results.

Best Practices for Scalable Video Prospecting at Scale 📈

1. Leverage Templates

Use Mailtoon.io’s customizable templates to maintain consistency and efficiency when creating multiple personalized videos.

2. Batch Recordings

To save time, batch record videos for similar segments. Personalize the beginnings and key points to cater to specific leads without starting from scratch each time.

3. Maintain Quality

Even when scaling, ensure your videos maintain high quality. Clear audio, good lighting, and a professional look keep your brand image intact.

4. Iterate Based on Feedback

Continuously refine your approach by incorporating feedback from both Mailtoon.io and Instantly analytics. Identify what resonates best with your audience and double down on those tactics.

Real-World Success: Case Studies 🏆

Case Study 1: Boosting Conversion for a SaaS Provider

A SaaS company used Instantly for lead capture and workflow automation. Adding Mailtoon.io to create personalized video follow-ups, they saw a 50% increase in demo bookings and a 30% uptick in conversion rates. Prospects were impressed by the tailored messages and felt a stronger connection to the brand.

Case Study 2: Engaging Cold Prospects for a Consulting Firm

A consulting firm targeting healthcare providers used Instantly to send initial outreach emails. By incorporating Mailtoon.io videos highlighting specific pain points and solutions, they doubled their email response rates and significantly shortened their sales cycle.

Conclusion: Transform Your Outreach with Video Prospecting 🚀

In the ever-evolving world of B2B outreach, staying ahead of the game means embracing innovation. Video prospecting is not just a trend—it’s a powerful tool that can enhance your Instantly campaigns and create meaningful connections at scale.

With Mailtoon.io, you have the ability to craft personalized, engaging videos that captivate your audience and drive results. So, why wait? It’s time to revolutionize your outreach strategy and watch your engagement and conversions soar!

Ready to Supercharge Your Instantly Campaigns?

Lights, camera, action! Start integrating Mailtoon.io into your Instantly campaigns today and make every email count. 🌟