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How to Start Using Video Prospecting for Outreach

How to Start Using Video Prospecting for Outreach



The Magic of Video Prospecting

Alright, folks, let me set the scene. Picture this: You’ve just come back from an exhausting day at work. Eyes tired from staring at emails and Zoom calls. You flop on the couch, ready to disconnect. Ding! An email notification pops up. Your first instinct is to groan and swipe it away. But wait! What’s this?

Instead of the usual wall of text, you see a thumbnail of a video greeting just for you. Curiosity piqued, you click play. As the video begins, you’re instantly charmed by a friendly face mentioning your name, company, and even referencing that quirky LinkedIn post you shared last week. Forget annoying sales pitches; this is human connection served with a sprinkle of tech magic. 🌟

This, my friends, is the beauty of video prospecting. It’s like giving your emails a face, a voice, and a soul. And today, I’ll take you on a wild ride through everything you need to know to start using video prospecting for your outreach, featuring our very own video outreach tool, Mailtoon.io.

Why Bother with Video Prospecting? 🎥

You might be thinking, “Why go through the hassle of recording videos when a regular email works just fine?” Valid question. But let me hit you with these mind-blowing facts:

  • Faces Beat Text: Humans are hardwired to respond to faces. Videos increase open rates by 19% and click-through rates by 65% (Source: HubSpot).
  • Time-Saver Extraordinaire: Once you get the hang of it, recording a quick video can be faster and more engaging than crafting the perfect cold email.
  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Raise your hand if your inbox is flooded with generic emails. Video helps you break through the noise and get noticed.
  • Builds Trust: Videos create a personal touch, helping potential clients feel connected and more likely to engage.

The Gear You (Actually) Need 📸

First things first, let’s tackle the most common myth: You don’t need to splurge on fancy equipment to start video prospecting. Here’s the lowdown on what you truly need:

1. Your Smartphone or Webcam

  • Believe me, your smartphone’s camera is more than capable of capturing high-quality video. If you’re opting for a webcam, most built-in laptop cameras will do just fine.

2. Decent Lighting

  • Good lighting can make a world of difference. Natural light works wonders. Position yourself facing a window. If that’s not possible, a simple desk lamp can help illuminate your face.

3. Microphone

  • While your phone’s or laptop’s built-in mic is okay, investing in a USB microphone can dramatically improve audio quality. Crystal clear audio is crucial for keeping your message understandable.

4. Video Editing Software

  • Don’t sweat it, you don’t need to become Spielberg overnight. Tools like Mailtoon.io are perfect for beginners. They’re user-friendly and have free plans available.

Pro Tip: Test your equipment and settings. Record a few practice videos to get comfortable with speaking on camera. Remember, practice makes perfect!

Crafting the Perfect Video Message 🎤

Alright, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty—how to create a video that captivates your prospects faster than Netflix’s latest binge-worthy series.

1. Grab Attention in the First 10 Seconds

  • Humans have the attention span of a goldfish (thanks, smartphones!). Intro is key—greet your recipient by name and mention something personal. “Hey Sarah, I saw your fantastic blog post on eco-friendly startups!”

2. Be Human and Authentic

  • Ditch the script (mostly). Speak naturally and be yourself. People respond to authenticity.

3. Address Their Pain Points

  • Mention a specific challenge the recipient is facing and how you can help solve it. This shows you’ve done your homework.

4. Include a Clear Call-To-Action (CTA)

  • Whether it’s scheduling a call, trying your product, or replying to your email, make sure your CTA is clear and actionable.

5. Keep It Short and Sweet

  • Aim for 60-90 seconds. Get to the point quickly but effectively.

Example Script:

“Hey [Recipient Name], I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company]. I noticed [specific point about their business]. I’ve got a few ideas on [how you can help]. Let me know if you’d like to chat. Click the link below to schedule a quick call!”

Tools to Rock Your Video Prospecting

Here’s a shortlist of powerhouse tools to get you started:

1. Mailtoon.io

  • The go-to tool for video outreach. With Mailtoon.io, you can effortlessly record, edit, and send personalized video messages. Its user-friendly interface makes video prospecting a breeze, even for beginners.

2. Loom

  • (loom.com) – Simple and brilliant for recording, editing, and sharing videos with ease. Perfect for personalized video emails.

3. Vidyard

  • (vidyard.com) – Offers a suite of video tools including recording, custom branding, and powerful analytics to track engagement.

4. BombBomb

  • (bombbomb.com) – Specializes in video email marketing. It integrates well with various email platforms and CRM systems.

5. Wistia Soapbox

  • (wistia.com/soapbox) – A handy Chrome extension for recording and editing videos directly from your browser.

Measuring Success: Analytics and Follow-Up 📊

Once your videos are out in the wild, it’s time to track their performance. Most video platforms, like Mailtoon.io and Vidyard, come with analytics features that show you who watched your video, for how long, and what parts they rewatched. This data is gold.

Key Metrics to Track:

  • Open Rate: How many people opened your email/video.
  • Watch Rate: How many watched your video to the end.
  • Engagement: Clicks on your CTA, replies, shares.

Following Up:

  • Send a Reminder: A gentle nudge if someone hasn’t responded within a week. A simple “Hey [Name], just wanted to check if you had a chance to watch my quick video” can work wonders.
  • Personalize Again: Show you’re not just throwing darts. Mention any new observations or updates relevant to their business or industry.

Wrapping It Up: Becoming a Video Prospecting Pro 🎬

Let’s recap: Video prospecting turns you into a real-life, high-tech Harry Potter, casting spells that capture attention and build genuine connections. Remember to:

  1. Keep It Authentic and Personal 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
  2. Engage Quickly ⏱️
  3. Solve Problems 🧩
  4. Track and Follow Up 📈
  5. Smile and Have Fun 😁

Trust me, folks, the first time a prospect responds with, “Wow, this was the best outreach I’ve ever received,” you’ll be hooked. Now, grab your camera, flash that winning smile, and start connecting with prospects in a way that’s fresh, fun, and fantastically effective.

Ready to Make Your First Video?

What are you waiting for? Lights, camera, action! 🌟