Mailtoon + Lemlist
How to use Mailtoon with Lemlist
Step 1: After login in, visit and click the “Download(Rendered)” button to get all leads with successfully created videos.
Step 2: After login in visit panel page and click at “add campaign”.
Step 3: Click at “Connect email account”.
Step 4: Choose your email provider and give access.
Step 5: Setup name and signature of that email.
Step 6: At campaigns tab select schedule.
Step 7: You set up your conditions.
Step 8: write your email.
Click at “{{}}” button and select FULL_HTML (I renamed to SNIPPET_2 while mapping fields) to send the video (with preview) to your lead. (To use dynamic variables you have to map your input fields at step 11)
Step 9: You can make the chain longer and send more emails.
Step 10: Upload the leads.
Step 11: Map your fields and import leads.
Step 12: Review the summary and run the campaign.